Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Interview with Tender Situation

Tender Situation is the solo project of Leah Barnett, a Detroit-based filmmaker and musician who also plays guitar and drums in local favorites Career Club. Tender Situation put out the super cool record Music For Rollerblading last year, and we were stoked to get this interview with her! Enjoy!


Remove RecordsTell us somethings about yourself and your project.

Leah: I primarily play guitar and drums in Career Club with dream-human 
Mark Sleeman, but for my independent tunes, I use both 
monikers Tender Situation and Cool Slimes interchangeably.
Music for Rollerblading was made during winter of 2019 
when I was itching to produce something that sounded like
a heartbeat, liquid tv, and fleeting nostalgia. This is a common theme in
most of my recordings & video projects.

What are some of your influences?

 Banshee Boardwalk tune in Mario kart 64
 Godiego (Hausu)
 E Magnolia Blvd, Burbank, CA
 The Sims Nancy the Papergirl Whistle
 Cindy Wilson

What are some of your favorite venues?
Outer Limits Lounge

What advice would you give to someone just starting out in music?
Anytime you have the chance to create and share something - do it. 
It’s profoundly vulnerable and super courageous to convey pieces of yourself -
thank you in advance for doing so ♡

What messages or themes are you trying to convey through your music?
Repetitive bliss ... soundtrack of the mind!

What are you working on next?

Due to the current necessity of social distancing & show cancellations,
Mark and I are scheming a potential CC self-produced 
basement recording release - stay tuned ... 

How do you feel about the future of music/art?
Scene report: Detroit’s gliding over a hotspot spitting out
impressively melodic magma - I’m reveling in the current wellspring of
talent that surrounds us and am looking forward for what’s to come. ♡♡♡