Sunday, July 14, 2024

Saturday is for the Boys

Saturday is for the boys

Out here

Where ya see

Horsedrawn buggies

DIY billboards decree

“Democrats Suck”


Ticks the size of


Mr. Littlecock

“I don’t mind bein’ manly

Just don’t fuck with

Blood born pathogens”

Communal bug spray

Forgot deodorant

Did anyone bring food

For the boys?

Shitdick white bread

What’s taters?

Boil ‘em

Mash ‘em

Stick ‘em in a stew

Got ninety nine spices

But a bitch ain’t one

Is this weiner

Real beef?

Doomscrollin’ porn

Edgin’ for two hours

Sidetracked tinkering

Boys will be boys

Packed all the toys

Mind altering substances

Gel blasters

Add on bayonets

Combustion engines


Even the fuckin’ Takis

Taste like


Shoot ‘em with the

Roman candle

Welcome to Jackass

“Don’t shoot

I’ve got cigs”

Check your daddy issues

Little brother PTSD

Blew his wad

Couldn’t hang

City slickers

Sleepin’ in trucks

To avoid Mothman

Drownin’ under kayaks

Sacrifice the hat

To the ten foot sturgeon

Let’s rob the horse ranch

For K

On the way back

Dad’s asleep

No more rules

Geeked up

White boy syndrome

No endless opium bowls inside

Damn libs

Afraid of the second hand smoke

“Who would you kill first?

Tomas Jefferson?

Or Malcolm X?”

Shower baptism

Born again

On the fourth of July

Born in the USA

Gollum did 9/11

Dirtbike to the Unabomber’s

Stoned apes

Stoppin’ for mushrooms

On the trail


Just the right level of

Impulse control

To piss people off

Too much testosterone

Not enough

Great white North


To take the edge off

Blame your fuckin’

Lord and savior

For that one

“Don’t be a bitch bro

It’s a sleepover”

We all got different lifestyles

High school boys

Don’t grow up

Just grow old

Talkin’ about those

Not so good times

You remember fondly

“Write it in your diary”

Throw on some

Jimmy Cash

Or whatever his fuckin’

Name is

Spark the fire

With a firecracker

Penetrate the hell hole

Creampied s’more

Tell the boys why

You love them

Hold each other

Under the stars

Constellations move over time

Maybe they’re already

Burnt out

But we see each other still

Across galaxies

“Get work off boys

An we fuckin’ did it”

In the words

Of the prophet

Bazooka Joe

“Don’t chase after happiness

Create it”